



媽媽之歌  爸爸之歌 只有兩分鐘 一定要看!


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         第一段是翻唱者--感覺有聲樂基礎的女士 )



  創作並演唱這首《媽媽之歌》的,是美國一位喜劇女演員安妮塔·蘭弗洛(Anita Renfroe )。今年48歲的安妮塔是3位孩子的母親,為了照顧小傢伙們的起居,她和天底下很多媽媽一樣,整天嘮叨不停。一天,一個偶然的機會,安妮塔靈光閃現,為何不把嘮叨譜成一首歌呢?這樣一定很有趣。於是她將自己每天常絮叨的話寫成簡短的歌詞,配著義大利作曲家羅西尼的《威廉退爾序曲》唱了出來……當這首《媽媽之歌》被放到網上後,立刻引起廣大迴響。


  Get up now

  Get up now

  Get up out of bed

  Wash your face

  Brush your teeth

  Comb your sleepy head

  Here's your clothes

  And your shoes

  Hear the words I said

  Get up now

  Get up and make your bed

  Are you hot?

  Are you cold?

  Are you wearing that?

  Where's your books and your lunch and your homework at?

  Grab your coat and your gloves and your scarf and hat

  Don't forget you got to feed the cat

  Eat your breakfast

  The experts tell us it's the most important meal of all

  Take your vitamins so you will grow up one day to be big and tall

  Please remember the orthodontist will be seeing you at three today?

  Don't forget your piano lesson is this afternoon

  So you must play

  Don't shovel

  Chew slowly

  But hurry

  The bus is here

  Be careful

  Come back here

  Did you wash behind your ears?

  Play outside

  Don't play rough

  Would you just play fair?

  Be polite

  Make a friend

  Don't forget to share

  Work it out

  Wait your turn

  Never take a dare

  Get Along

  Don't make me come down there

  Clean your room

  Fold your clothes

  Put your stuff away

  Make your bed

  Do it now

  Do we have all day?

  Were you born in a barn?

  Would you like some hay

  Can you even hear a word I say?

  Answer the phone

  Get Off the phone

  Don't sit so close

  Turn it down

  No texting at the table

  No more computer time tonight

  Your iPod's my iPod if you don't listen up

  Where you going and with whom and what time do you think you're coming home?

  Saying thank you, please, excuse me

  Makes you welcome everywhere you roam

  You'll appreciate my wisdom

  Someday when you're older and you're grown

  Can't wait 'til you have a couple little children of your own

  You'll thank me for the counsel I gave you so willingly

  But right now

  I thank you NOT to roll your eyes at me

  Close your mouth when you chew

  Would appreciate

  Take a bite

  Maybe two

  Of the stuff you hate

  Use your fork

  Do not you burp

  Or I'll set you straight

  Eat the food I put upon your plate

  Get an A, Get the door

  Don't get smart with me

  Get a Grip

  Get in here I'll count to 3

  Get a job

  Get a life

  Get a PhD

  Get a dose of...

  I don't care who started it

  You're grounded until your 36

  Get your story straight

  And tell the truth for once for heaven's sake

  And if all your friends jumped off a cliff

  Would you jump too?

  If I've said it once, I've said at least a thousand times before that

  You're too old to act this way

  It must be your father's DNA

  Look at me when I am talking

  Stand up straight when you walk

  A place for everything

  And everything must be in place

  Stop crying or I'll give you something real to cry about


  Brush your teeth

  Wash your face

  Get your PJs on

  Get in bed

  Get a hug

  Say a prayer with Mom

  Don't forget

  I love you


  And tomorrow we will do this all again because a mom's work never ends

  You don't need the reason why





  I said so

  I said so

  I said so

  I said so

  I'm the Mom

  The mom

  The mom

  The mom

  The mom


    創作者 Leelee77 的頭像


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